Here is a painting from Paweł Kuczyński which shared in Facebook. And I think this painting can illustrate the Barthes’ analysis on the orders of signification completely.
According to the Barthes’ analysis on the orders of signification, there should be two level of signification, and there are denotation and connotation.
The primary level is a descriptive level called “denotation” which usually signifies the literal meaning of the sign. The meaning in this level usually simple and basic, therefore, wide and most people would agree on the meaning.
First order Signification (Denotation)
And the secondary level is a conceptual level called “connotation”, which operates within the ideological terrain of society, including some general beliefs, conceptual frameworks and value system of society. The meaning in this level usually use Use “the wider semantic fields of our culture”
However, I realized that the distinction between denotation and connotation is somewhat arbitrary as there is no solid empirical validation presented. Different people can have different interpretations towards this painting.